The music scene has changed spectacularly over the past few years, and it’s still evolving. We can see a free merging of the different kinds of music we used to know, on a way to one big entity. Indeed, all kinds of music get blended, no restrictions, no rules, with often a very original but no longer clearly definable result. Unavoidably, traditional musical schooling runs a few steps behind all this.
That’s where Jazzstudio and Popstudio make the difference. As we are a completely private institution, we can organize and decide free from government regulations, thus creating a super fertile and challenging field of activity for young musicians. We can swiftly meet with their every need and answer all of their questions.
The perfect stepping stone for a music career. The school exists already 40 years.
head of Jazz- & Popstudio
Ondine Quackelbeen, head of Jazz- & Popstudio, graduated as Clinical Psychologist from Ghent University. As a co-founder and chairwoman of the European Modern Music Educational Network (EMMEN), she stood at the cradle of the European Performance Music Qualification EPMQ). On top of all that, she plays the double bass in several bands.
According to Ondine, every aspiring musician should get the possibility to develop his/her talent and realise his/her potential through musical instruction, regardless of social- economical backgrounds, physical or intellectual abilities. Not only technique, also musicality should be explored. She wants her students to really know that there is no such thing as a fast lane to success. For a musician, it takes years to get at the top of his/her game. And it’s essential tot practise your craft every day.
That’s why this educational programme doesn’t only consist of practical and theoretical musical training, it also focuses on the principles of life-long learning.